Appreciating Art can be a Complex Business
Don’t worry we have a plan

Wandering around an Art Gallery brings us in to contact with many different forms of art. You can base your opinions on gut feeling, which is valid. But if you really want to appreciate art and want to make informed judgements about art, you need a framework in which to structure your thoughts.
We are going to call this framework, ‘The Three Elements of Art namely: Form, Content and Context. Below you will see the basic structure outlined. Each element and their sub-categories will have a Red Button Click the button for more information which you can peruse at your leisure.
Don’t worry you will soon get the hang of it.

1. We shall consider ‘What is Art?’
So what actually is Art? Why are the objects; paintings, sculpture, mixed media etc., that we see in art galleries called Art?
2. What we need to Understand to Appreciate Art?
Let’s consider the 3 Elements of Art
Note: Not all elements will apply to every art work
3. Let’s Appreciate Art

Now we have some understanding of the elements of art, this section will discuss how we might apply this knowledge to particular works of art. Clicking on an Element of Art below will explore how that particular element might help us appreciate art and how to make a judgment about a particular art work.

Having some understanding of the three elements of art will hopefully help you appreciate art in a more informed manner. Don’t entirely reject gut feeling, it can still has a role to play. Most important of all, just enjoy art.